Thursday, April 16, 2009

and then he was like BOOM!

Two quick thoughts before I crash for the night:

1. Sunday Night Football won't be as fun this season without Madden calling the games. Oh sure, Collinsworth is a great analyst, but Madden had his own unique way of showing people the game. He gets a lot of shit, and rightfully so sometimes, for lines like "the team that scores more touchdowns will win the game." I mean really, no shit, Sherlock. But he also knew the ins and outs of line play and it's a rare analyst that can describe what's going on in the trenches. And his Maddenisms made boring games a little more fun. Collinsworth already supplanted Madden in the broadcast booth of his own video game in the Xbox and PS3 versions, and that's a damn travesty.

2. KG is out for the first round and likely the entire playoffs. And so there are now only two legitimate contenders in the NBA: Cleveland and LA. The Celts will handle Chicago and maybe Orlando, but definitely not Cleveland. Not without KG.

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